Wednesday, July 22, 2009

So why blog?

After thinking about starting a blog for a few years, we're finally jumping into the blogosphere and you may want to as well. Here are just a few reasons you should consider blogging:

1. Positioning your Brand
A blog provides a great opportunity for your organization to stand out from competitors by demonstrating your specific knowledge, providing useful insights and showing a glimpse of your personality. Done well and consistently, a blog can help reinforce our brand in the eyes of your ideal customer.

2. Leadership
A blog can establish you as a thought leader in your area of expertise, provided of course that you have some decent thoughts from time to time. It also gives you a soapbox to stand on and share your opinion.

3. Driving Traffic
Having a blog that is optimized for search engines can provide another means for your ideal customer to find you online. As well, links from the blog back to your site (like this one) will improve the search engine ranking of your site.

4. Evergreen Content
Developing a blog and then having the blog feed posted on your site can provide a steady stream of new content for your site and give visitors a reason to keep coming back for more info. Search engines like that too. And you won't have to wait for your webmaster to make content changes.

5. Conversations with Your Readers
Most blogs allow readers to post comments on a blog post and this can begin a dialogue between you and our ideal customer. Just be sure to check the blog regularly to monitor and respond to wouldn't want to leave someone hanging!

These are jut a few reasons we're blogging, but we hope this will give you some reasons to start your own.

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