Monday, July 5, 2010

The right social media channels for your business

"We need to set up a Twitter account and a Facebook page for our business."

Really? Why Twitter and Facebook? What are you trying to accomplish? We are hearing comments like this more and more from our clients, so we thought we'd share some guidance on the topic.

What social media channels should you use for your business?

The answer has two parts:

A. The one your customers and potential customers are using (with a proviso that they are open to talk business on that channel), and

B. The one that you can commit to using consistently to provide value to your customers and potential customers to increase the likelihood that they'll bring their business to you.

If you're in the B2B arena, it's less likely that you'll need Facebook, but should be considering LinkedIn and blogging. If you're in B2C, you could likely benefit greatly from Facebook and possibly MySpace. These are general statements and each business will be different, but make sure the social media channel meets both of the criteria outlined above.

In our business, we use a blog, email newsletter, LinkedIn and Twitter. (We have a Facebook page, but more for search engine optimization purposes than social networking - our clients may be on Facebook, but not for talking business). The email newsletter (using content from the blog) has actually been the most effective for business development, but all four channels are set up as integrated components of our branding strategy.

For some additional guidance on using social media to build your brand, check out this past blog post.

[Note: Cartoon image source:]

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